adipose cells

adipose cells
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English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "adipose cells" в других словарях:

  • adipose cell — ▪ biology also called  adipocyte  or  fat cell   connective tissue cell specialized to synthesize and contain large globules of fat. There are two types of adipose cells: white adipose cells contain large fat droplets, only a small amount of… …   Universalium

  • adipose tissue — n connective tissue in which fat is stored and which has the cells distended by droplets of fat * * * fibrous connective tissue packed with masses of fat cells (adipocytes). It forms a thick layer under the skin and occurs around the kidneys and… …   Medical dictionary

  • Adipose — means fat but is usually used to refer specifically to tissue made up of mainly fat cells such as the yellow layer of fat beneath the skin. The word adipose comes from the Latin adeps meaning fat, particularly lard. * * * Denoting fat. * * *… …   Medical dictionary

  • Adipose — Ad i*pose , n. (Physiol.) The fat present in the cells of adipose tissue, composed mainly of varying mixtures of tripalmitin, tristearin, and triolein. It solidifies after death. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Adipose tissue — For the Doctor Who creatures, see List of Doctor Who monsters and aliens#Adipose. Adipose tissue is one of the main types of connective tissue. In histology, adipose tissue or body fat or fat depot or just fat is loose connective tissue composed… …   Wikipedia

  • adipose tissue — noun a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold • Syn: ↑fat, ↑fatty tissue • Derivationally related forms: ↑fat (for …   Useful english dictionary

  • adipose tissue — loose connective tissue in which fat cells accumulate. [1850 55] * * * or fatty tissue Connective tissue consisting mainly of fat cells, specialized to synthesize and contain large globules of fat, within a structural network of fibres. It is… …   Universalium

  • adipose tissue — fibrous connective tissue packed with masses of fat cells (adipocytes). It forms a thick layer under the skin and occurs around the kidneys and in the buttocks. It serves both as an insulating layer and an energy store; food in excess of… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • adipose tissue — noun Date: 1854 connective tissue in which fat is stored and which has the cells distended by droplets of fat …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • adipose tissue — Fibrous connective tissue with large numbers of fat storing cells, adipocytes …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • adipose tissue — fatty tissue, tissue in which fat cells are located …   English contemporary dictionary

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